Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brand new blog about teaching!

I have decided to start a blog! Actually, this really isn't meant to be a blog where one kinda begs everyone else in the world to read it or it looks cool or stupid.

No, this is for me. (and a paper I am doing).

I am writing a paper for NCA about my transition between institutions. I am currently at Eastern Michigan University finishing up my master's degree (2nd year). However, I've been in Ypsi/Ann Arbor for like 6 years now and it's about time to go. Luckily, I was got accepted to my first choice school for Ph.D. programs: The University of Georgia!

I'm going to have no life for the next four years!

And I'm super happy about that!

So-this blog is going to be a way for me to track my evolution as a teacher.

I was to address such topics as:

How is my teaching going? (This means I am going to write about the lectures I give and activities we do in class and attempt to "assess" whether it was successful or not.)

How am I preparing to teach public speaking (I'm 90% sure..) at UGA.

What I had to adjust to in my course of moving

How my pedagogy changes

My fears

My surprises

My successes

My failures.

ect, ect, ect.

This is a public blog, but it will likely include reminders and messages to myself.

So stay tuned, self. You are about to blog and stuff.
You need to do this frequently, or this will be a stupid tool for you.
Carry on.

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